2024-2025 Academic Year
Outreach Team | outreach@cbc-psychology.com
CBC is excited to offer new continuing education opportunities for professionals from master clinicians in partnership with Frontline Education. Join us for these virtual talks from our two new series about some of the most pressing topics in psychology by signing up today!
Four thoughtfully curated sessions designed to address the evolving needs and professional development of school psychologists.
Dr. Rachel Busman: Supporting Students with Selective Mutism
Thursday, Oct. 17, 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. | 1 CE credit (IN-PERSON)
Dr. Christopher Senior: Utilizing Cuento Therapy in Schools
Thursday, Nov. 21, 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. | 1 CE credit (IN-PERSON)
Dr. Brittney Fallucca: Supporting Families with Children Struggling with Executive Functioning Difficulties to Supporting Students with Executive Functioning Difficulties
Tuesday, Feb. 4, 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. | 1 CE credit (IN-PERSON)
Dr. Lindsay Boudreau: Supporting Children with Anxiety in School and Decreasing Unhelpful Accommodations to Finding the Middle Path: Are We Over-Accommodating Students
Wednesday, May 7 , 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. | 1 CE credit (IN-PERSON)
Facilitated by Cognitive & Behavioral Consultants, these two workshops will review common problem behaviors that occur in the classroom, such as impulsivity and noncompliance. Participants will learn how to identify the "positive opposites” of these behaviors and manage them effectively using positive reinforcement strategies and limit-setting
Dr. Amanda Strano: Managing Behavior in the Classroom Using Limit Setting
Friday, Dec. 6, 1 - 2 p.m. | 1 CE credit (VIRTUAL)
Dr. Minu Thomas: Building a Culture of Respect: Educator Workshop on Responsive Practices for Students who Engage in Bullying Behavior and Empowering Students to be Upstanders
Thursday, Jan. 9, 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. | 2 CE credits (IN-PERSON)